Wee Wiccan Book of Shadows

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Wiccan Mothers Lore

Your Children are your priority

Your Home and Hearth to follow

The love of Life in earnest

Do not forget the Sabbats

The Wheel of the year slowly turns

As it does your children grow

Acceptance is the key

You can only make them aware

Teach the Sabbats as you may

Celebrate the full moon

Worship the lady

Revere the Lord along the way

A strong community will help

do not forget your sister witches

the crones and the maidens also

For once Maiden you too were

As now the Mother that is you

Remember you will one day be crone too

A Witches mothers Creed

A Witches Mothers Lore is to keep

The Wiccan Rede and beliefs

Lead the way by good example

And harm none as you do

Ever mind the rule of three

cast your circle for protection

Teach your young this basic lesson

Treat all creatures with respect

Revere Nature and mind the effects

It is simple

give love in abundance so it overflows

teach them well teach that lesson